by Terri Rylander
by Terri Rylander
With deadlines looming, it’s easy to remain heads down and not take a moment to reflect on the year. So, I’m taking a few minutes to look back and send my thanks to some wonderful clients. Since the start of the year, I’ve had steady work that’s even meant often working weekends and evenings. Any self-employed person could not ask for a better gift!
I’ve also had the opportunity to learn about some great topics:
- Pervasive, self-service BI
- Biometrics
- Call centers in the cloud
- Auto Demand Response (energy)
- Thin film coatings
- Sustainability
- Networked Audio
- OpenXML
- Enterprise Data Management
- Retail in the cloud
- Smart Grid
- Data Breaches
- Information and Computing Technologies (ICT)
- Identity and Access Management
- Emerging Markets
- 4G/LTE
Just to name a few!
I’d like to thank these wonderful clients for the opportunity to learn about these new topics and to be a part of their world, helping them to be successful:
- Pivot Communications
- Verizon
- Microsoft
- Karsof Systems
- Honeywell
- LogiXML
- Extra Mile Marketing
- Filmetrics
- Biamp
- InContact
- Teradata
I look forward to working with all of you again. May 2011 be even more successful!
I’m very pleased to have my white paper chosen as the winner of the 2011 Apex Marketing and PR Publications
Last week I wrote about the TDWI Executive Summit vendor panel discussion on the Future of BI. It was a
Last week I had to opportunity to attend the TDWI conference on BI in Las Vegas. While TDWI actually holds
Yes, my posts have been sparse these last 6 months, I admit. The carousel of life threw me off, and